Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Marriage and the Mercy of God

This week, couples from around the northeast will gather in Hershey, PA to attend the Sovereign Grace Marriage Conference Marriage and the Mercy of God. Many couple from our church will be in attendance. In an effort to declare our dependence on God, I’m including a series of prayer items. Whether you are going to attend the conference or not, please consider reading the items below and praying for God to move mightily.

Please pray for the conference, that:
- God would protect attendees in their travels.
- God would speak through the messages of those speaking.
- The speakers would hear clearly from God and be sensitive to how the Spirit may move.
- Those serving behind the scenes would experience the joy of the Lord in their service.

Please pray for those attending the conference, that:
- Husbands and wives would arrive humble and prepared to hear from God.
- Marriages that are doing well would listen with an intent to apply.
- Marriages doing poorly would be healed and restored.
- Each couple would experience the mercy of God in their marriage.

If you are attending the conference, please pray that:
- God’s grace would abound in your marriage.
- You would seek to apply what you hear to your life first…with humility and dependence.
- God would protect and guide the conversations you and your spouse have.
- You would be sensitive to ministry opportunities for other couples.

As we pray, may God has mercy on our marriages and on each husband and wife. And may we seek to grow in godliness that God’s glory might shine forth through our marriages…and beyond.

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