Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Family Life Pastors Retreat

Each year we, as your Family Life Pastors, pull away on a planning retreat for a couple of days to pray, seek God and try to determine what we can do over the next one to two years to better serve the families of Covenant Fellowship Church. This is a wonderful privilege for us, for our time together always begins by thanking God for you and praying that your families would be strengthened in an on-going way by the amazing grace of God. In other words, this isn’t just a strategic planning retreat, but a strategic planning retreat that is very personal, for we carry each of you on our hearts. Knowing that God has given us the wonderful responsibility to care for your souls; would you please pray for us as we take the next two days to pray and plan? Our retreat begins today and runs through tomorrow. Here are some specific ways you can pray:

· That God would give us wisdom, discernment, direction, creativity, and fresh ideas on how we can better care for the families of Covenant Fellowship Church.

· That God would pour out his Spirit upon us, for our desire and eager anticipation is that our time would not just be working through an agenda, but a time that is led by the Holy Spirit.

· That God would give us creative ideas on how to continue to build a culture in the church that supports and strengthens the family.

· That God would give us clarity as to what we are to teach on in the next twelve to eighteen months that will better support what the leaders of our homes (dad’s and single parents) are endeavoring to do in the spiritual guidance of their families.

Knowing that you care for us and for the families of the church, we wanted to thank you ahead of time for being faithful to pray for us. There isn’t a day that goes by where we don’t consider the privilege God has given us to serve you. And, oh, what a joy that is!!

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