Monday, November 12, 2007

Now for the REST of the story…

I loved Jared Mellinger’s sermon from our series on Genesis yesterday. Preaching from Genesis 2:1-3, Jared walked us through a perspective-altering look at the Biblical idea of rest.

In the message he referenced a quote from Augustine that should be taking up space somewhere in our brain mass. It makes a great kick-off to our Wisdom for the Week:

“You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” (Confessions, Book 1, p. 1)

I’m coming off a busy week, in the midst of a busy month, and looking forward to a busy next few months with the holidays and a wedding coming up (no pity please – its all good stuff!). I found myself yesterday longing for 4:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon. That’s the time that I could be reasonably sure that I’d be at home in a state of undisturbed torpor (definition: Torpor – “inactive, inattentive indifference”’ – yep, that’s the goal). As I went through my busy day I increasingly got more and more energy, because 4:00 Sunday was growing ever closer, and I wanted to finish strong. As I write this it is just a couple of hours away, and I’m working hard to get there.

Jared’s message reminds me that my rest is not found in 4:00 Sundays, or in the completion of projects, or in vacations, or leisure, or in naps, or in comfort food. My heart doesn’t rest when I’m vegging out with TV, zoning out with iTunes, or chilling out with friends. Those can all provide relaxation, but they can’t give me rest. My heart is restless until it rests in God. As Jared said so well, Rest is not worklessness. Rest is life as God intended it to be.

As you look at your undoubtedly packed week coming up, remember that God is at work stirring you to take pleasure in him, because in Jesus Christ we find ‘rest for our souls’ (Matt. 11:29). And that’s life as God intended it to be.


Christina said...

This message yesterday was outstanding. As a mom of 3 young kids I find myself pursuing rest through food, computer time, a quick TV program or a magazine. I learned that TRUE rest comes in the Lord & when that desire for rest comes I need to pray, read His word, and worship Him instead. Please pass this along to Jared. His message gave me a renewed passion for the Savior this morning!!

lori said...

So this begs the question: what is life as God intended it? "To glorify God and enjoy him forever." So how do I do that? Wordsworth wrote 'The world is too much with us; late and soon,/Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:...' Now Wordsworth thought the answer was nature itself: that Nature was the answer to spiritually dead worldliness. But if I understand Jared, the answer is a life in accord with the Spirit of God- a life of faith, trusting him; and a life of obedience that flows out the grace received. The world is too much with me... maybe a little more resting in him would be the antidote...