Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oh….I love you too

This past Saturday night we had a full lobby of married and engaged folks listening to great jazz, eating unhealthy food, and enjoying the gift of marriage together in our Sweet Serenade. As part of registration, we asked each couple to answer the question, “What is the sweetest thing your husband or wife ever said to you?” We selected the three we thought were most meaningful and awarded gifts to the couples who submitted them. The three top answers are at the bottom of this post.

But there were a number of responses that were VERY interesting. At first they didn’t seem to exude romance, but if you look at them a certain way… It’s kind of like when your wife buys you a bunch of shirts that twenty year olds wear because she doesn’t want you to ‘look as old as you are’. At first you might be tempted to take offense, but then you step back and see that she cares about your looks and you say,

Oh….I love you too!

Or when your husband takes you on a surprise date which turns out to be hockey tickets down near the glass because he wants you to be part of his best experiences. At first you might be tempted to wonder if he thinks hockey is romantic, then you step back and see he wants to spend his best time with you, and you say,

“Oh….I love you too!”

These are the top ten “Oh…I love you too!” comments actually received during our registration. Somehow these have become the answers to the question, “What is the sweetest thing my spouse has ever said to me?” I’ll leave it to you to figure out how.

· I like that you like that I like you!!!

· Spending time with you is better than football

· "Yes I will, and you're not a loser."

· Where could I go to find another woman like you?

· I got a fluttery feeling after you scrubbed the tub!

· "I'm glad I'm not married to your sister."

· I love you in the morning, even with your stinky breath

· Talk to me like you would your girlfriends

· Your love is like a steaming hot bath…after I got used to it, it wasn't so hot.

· Please don't kiss me goodnight, tonight because I'm tired and you know it always starts something that takes longer than I have

And finally, here are our winners:

A note by my coffee cup on to morning of my birthday: “To the youngest, most beautiful 70 year old person in West Chester, Chester County, PA, the US and the entire world. I love you.” - Doyle and Marlene Hayes

“God brought me to you, and you brought me to God.” - Gary and Joy Lehndorff

Marry Me…again - Jim and Maryann Newby

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