Monday, February 4, 2008

Wisdom From A Friend

For the last 24 years, we, as a church, have enjoyed the oversight, and care of Sovereign Grace Ministries and that wonderful supply of grace from God has come primarily through our friend C.J. Mahaney. His passionate preaching that seems to always stir a fresh gratitude for the cross has shaped who we are as a church family. But, he’s also been like a father who loves us, points us in the right direction, laughs with us, and gives us wisdom when it’s most needed. I can’t tell you how many times C.J. has humbly offered us biblical wisdom that strengthened us as a local church family. It’s for that reason in particular that it seemed appropriate today, where we devote Monday’s to “Wisdom for the Week, to let you know that C.J. recently started a blog where so many more folks can benefit from his counsel, teaching, and wisdom via the blog world. Now we’re not in the habit of recommending a lot of blogs, however we want to recommend this one because we know that through it you will receive the kind of gospel-centered wisdom, discernment and perspective we all need. Keep in mind that this kind of gospel-centered input comes from a man who has lived it as a husband, father, pastor, and disciple of Jesus Christ. C.J.’s blog springs from a life that humbly has applied the gospel in the day to day, and as a result grace has produced a wonderful, cross-centered wisdom we can all benefit from. So, check it out here, and begin to apply the wisdom you find there in the coming week.

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