Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We sat in a small book shop in Lewes Beach, Delaware, eating salads, sipping tea, and talking about our plan for the next two days. My daughter Sarah and I were away on a personal retreat together. I had wanted to do this for a while, but desire does not always equal outcome in this busy world, so I was amazed and grateful that we were actually there. The goal was to review our priorities and prayerfully seek the Lord for guidance and growth in the coming year.

After lunch, we headed for a condo in Rehoboth which friends of ours had graciously offered to us and began our retreats. After only about an hour, we both took a nap.J Slow start, but that was ok. Afterwards, we headed to town where I surprised Sarah with a salon visit and then dinner. We returned and spent more individual retreat time, watched part of a girly flick and fell asleep.

The next day I headed for the beach to see the sunrise (it was intended to be a joint adventure, but we won’t name who was still snoozingJ), and later that morning, we did the same thing all over again. We lingered over a long brunch and headed home. It really was wonderfully refreshing, and God was so faithful to meet us there.

After each session, we took the time to discuss our priorities with each other, talk about where we saw God at work and ask for input in the areas where we wanted to grow. We talked about our individual relationships with the Lord and how to grow in our love for Him, our family relationships, and what the future might bring. During my time alone and my time with Sarah, God greatly increased my faith. It’s truly amazing how reflection and time pulled away for extended prayer and thought can be such a means of grace and bring such clarity. To do it with my 21 year old daughter also builds a wonderful memory together in the Lord. Yet because of the time and money it takes as well as the effort involved pulling it all together with childcare and other variables, I often resist it. But it is so worth it!

A personal retreat can be done anytime of the year and can be done in a shorter period of time, but to begin the year afresh with this discipline seems so appropriate. I just wanted to encourage you ladies to consider this if it’s not something you already do. If you’re interested in an outline to follow during your retreat, there’s one entitled “Stand Your Ground (only retreat first)” that Amy Lynch distributed when she spoke at a session during Youth Camp ’07. It is available here and is an excellent resource.

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