Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year of Gratitude

Tonight, we enter a new year. Many seize this annual opportunity to reflect on changes they want to make in their lives and goals they want to achieve in the upcoming year. This is a healthy and fruitful endeavor. One that is good for marriages and good for the soul. But what if we try something a little different this year?

What if you looked back and saw the faithfulness of God in and through your marriage? What if, even in difficult marital environments, you went on a hunt for how God used this year for the growth of your soul and your love and dependence on Him?

With that in mind, let me commend to you a small project. If you are part of the first camp, the one whose year has not been a crisis year, consider answering the following questions. These are meant to help you see through small obstacles and conflict and assist you in seeing the way God has moved in your marriage and in the marvelous gift of your spouse. (You’ll notice the questions are in 1st and 2nd person. You are the 1st…your spouse is the 2nd.)

- What were the qualities that attracted me the most to you when we first met?

- What qualities do I appreciate or have learned to appreciate most about you since we have been married?

- How have our differences helped me grow spiritually or emotionally?

- What steps will I take to commit to love you more effectively this year?

Now, with those answers, consider writing a letter of New Year’s Gratitude to your spouse. Don’t type it, even if your handwriting is as bad as mine. And don’t mail it…read it to him/her. Good and sincere gratitude is a wonderful blessing to any marriage. *

But what if you are in the 2nd camp? What if 2008 marks a difficult and devastating year for your marriage? Well, consider answering these questions.

- What areas of my heart / soul have been hurt this year?

- What has God revealed about me through this trial?

- What has God revealed about Him through this trial?

- What promises is God calling me to cling to through this trial?

Now, with those answers, consider writing a letter of New Year’s Gratitude to God. Once written, use it throughout the year to refocus your eyes on the cross and on a faithful God. Pray for the eyes and the faith to thank Him for what He’s allowed and to press more and more into Him as you walk forward by faith.

For everyone, please be sure to take the time to reflect on areas of growth needed for the New Year. But, consider thanking God for 2008…regardless of what 2008 brought.

* Many thanks to FamilyLife for these questions and this idea taken from their Weekend to Remember marriage conference.

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