Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Raise Me Up

I fancy myself to be a fairly proficient painter. My work has been on the walls of each of our homes. Actually, my work has been the walls of each of our homes. And my brush looks a whole lot like a roller. When it comes to artistic painting, to fine art, I am most definitely not your man.

Yet the fine artist uses many of the same tools as I do. The artist uses the same paint as I do. Yet, in his hands, a canvas sings. In my hands, even the brushes scream.

It’s the same with words as it is with brushes. There’s nothing fancy to words, but when they are placed on the right tongue, or spoken from a right heart, words sing. Consider Proverbs 15:23:

To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is!

No one in my life carries more weight in words than my spouse. A word spoken harshly can demolish an otherwise joy-filled day. A word spoken in love can rescue a day lost at sea. Her apt answers bring joy to this man and her words in season are good indeed.

In each of our lives, there are areas that repeatedly challenge our joy and our faith. For some, it may be their jobs. For others, it may be friends or family. For still others it may be holiday seasons, or anniversaries of a loved one’s death.

As the husband or wife of a spouse facing trial, consider this a call to action. You’ve been given a paintbrush and even though you may only paint walls, God is calling you to paint a masterpiece of grace and encouragement in your spouse’s life. You hold an incredible power in your tongue. And there are areas where your spouse regularly struggles for faith…for joy. So, raise them up through purposeful and loving encouragement.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,
but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion,
that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29

True encouragement, the type that is received the way it is intended, is like a three-legged stool. Without one of these, your efforts to raise up your spouse are in jeopardy.

1. Study your spouse: Identify areas where they are in regular need of encouragement. Discover the way in which your spouse best receives encouragement. Some people prefer to have their issue called out into the open while others like to discover it for themselves. And answer this very practical question: at what time of day will your spouse best receive encouragement? Choose wisely.

2. Pray for your spouse: The heart is truly encouraged when God acts upon it. Ask God to bring lasting encouragement to your spouse. Ask God to enlarge your spouse’s faith. Pray for Spirit-led opportunities to encourage your spouse.

3. Speak to your spouse: Yes, eventually you will be called upon to encourage your spouse with the great power of words.

You may be like me…a great painter of walls but a disaster at art. However, your words in the Master’s hand will create masterpieces of grace and encouragement in your spouse’s life. And, through your loving encouragement, you will be used of God to raise up the countenance, faith, and gaze of your spouse.

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