Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ten “Makeable” Romantic Ideas

This blog is for husbands, so wives, if you’re reading this, let me offer some advice. If your husband doesn’t read this blog why not gently suggest that he take a look at this post. Perhaps he won’t immediately fall on his knees and say – ‘this is the answer I’m looking for!”. But he might just find something he likes, an idea he may just tuck away for a future time. Another thing you could do is print the list out and have a chat about which of the ideas you’d like and which wouldn’t be your cup of tea. It can be a great fellowship exercise – and he’ll know you much better afterward.

Guys, this is a really good list of things to consider. I’m calling it ‘makeable’ like I’d call a putt ‘makeable’ in golf. Some of us can make tough ones, for others, like me, the difference between ‘gimme’ and ‘makeable’ is only a few inches. I’ve done a number of these in some version – some are more makeable than others. Just remember, what blesses most wives is not the expense you go to, or even success, but the fact that you are spending your time away from her thinking about her, planning for her, and desiring to bless her. But look for something you can pull off. A make is always more encouraging than a near miss – in golf and romance.

  1. Get her a gift certificate to her favorite store and hide it under her pillow, or somewhere she will discover it.

  1. Write a letter to your wife describing her strengths and your need for her.

  1. Praise her in front of the children about the things she does, the way she cooks, etc.

  1. Use all the pennies in your piggy bank for a date. Don't spend any other money. See how creative you can be!

  1. Buy a basket and fill it with sweet things for your sweetheart (for example: love notes, chocolates, jams, lollipops, heart-shaped candles, perfume, etc.)

  1. Go back to a place you went when you were newlyweds and stay overnight. Be sure to bring pictures from that time and take a romantic trip down memory lane together.

  1. Dress up like a fancy restaurant waiter, and serve your wife dinner at a candlelit table for two (the food could be carry-out from her favorite restaurant), then go change and be her date.

  1. Court her again by recreating something fun you did when you first dated one another.

  1. Give your wife a homemade coupon booklet consisting of romantic and practical "freebies" (i.e., “Redeem this coupon for a free foot massage” or, "This coupon good for one free evening out with your friends while I watch the kids."). Include a blank one for her to fill in whatever she wants.

  1. Put together a memory album with love letters from a specific year or several years. Categorize them and use clip art.

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