Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Through Good Times and Bad

Editor’s Note: The following story is a reduced retelling of a story recorded in I Still Do: Stories of Lifelong Love and Marriage by David Boehi. You can read the whole story by clicking here.

We’ve all made this promise to our spouse when we were married, and some of us have been tested with pretty bad times. Yet, there is something encouraging to our own marriages when we see another couple making hard choices in their stance for faithfulness and their reliance upon God. Floyd and Diana Green qualify.

They were married for 24 years and on a romantic trip together, riding bikes in the California sun. Their marriage was characterized by closeness and passion, a real harmonic relationship. Suddenly, as they shared memories and gratitude to God for their marriage, a car veered out of control, glanced Diana’s bike and plowed right into Floyd.

Once Diana realized what had happened, she ran up to Floyd only to find him gravely injured. Once the paramedics were called, Diana prayed a prayer of remarkable faith:

“God, I don’t have any right to demand anything of you. WE have had the happiest and the most blessed life and marriage of anyone I know. You don’t owe us anything. If it is our turn to be called to suffer, give me the grace to be able to do it in ways that exalt you. Whatever you have for us, I will receive.”


She went on to pray for Floyd to be healed. Several hours later, Diana found out that Floyd would live, but had certainly suffered brain damage. He was unconscious as he lay in his hospital bed when Diana did what only faith could make a person do. Before God and beside her wounded husband, Diana renewed her vows and concluded with this:

“Whatever man wakes up from this, he will be my husband, and I will love him all the days of my life.”


Well, Floyd woke up remarkably well, but remarkably different. In the accident, he lost his sense of smell and taste, which the Green’s found humorous. However, he also lost his drive and confidence. He lost his emotional strength and his desire to communicate on a deep and intimate level. Floyd woke up from his trauma, but he woke up a different man. And Diana was married to a different person.

It is 13 years later now, and Floyd and Diana are still married. They teach marriage and parenting seminars and they share the story of God’s grace before the accident, and His grace after the accident. As author Dave Boehi states, “Their first marriage was founded on their trust in the Lord, and no matter how different their relationship was now, their faith had not wavered.”

God is powerful to exalt His name through His power on His behalf. It is His joy to do this in marriage. It is His joy to do this in your marriage…just like He did in the Green’s marriage. God delights to see His children rely upon Him in faith…through good times and bad.

All quotes are taken from I Still Do: Stories of Lifelong Love and Marriage by David Boehi, pages 61-69.

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