Thursday, June 26, 2008

Croc Attack

Title: Husband Saves Wife from Hungry Croc

A headline like this always captures my attention, but I’m not sure which arouses more curiosity; a husband saving a wife, or a crocodile biting off more than he can chew.

I clicked the link to the BBC News report only to discover I had more questions. I’ll quote the BBC report in italics, followed by my ponderings.

A woman has been rescued from the jaws of a saltwater crocodile in Australia after her husband jumped onto its back and forced it to flee.

First of all, I’d never heard of saltwater crocodiles so I checked Wikipedia. Sure enough, saltwater crocs, called “Salties” in Australia, are the largest species of crocodiles. I guess that’s why the BBC writer included the fact. As an American of average intelligence, I would never know the difference between a “saltie” and a “freshie” – or why it would be in the lead line of the story. Now I know, and so do you.

The crocodile lunged at its victim as she stood on the banks of a river, locking its jaws around her legs before trying to drag her into the water.

I’d never heard of saltwater rivers either, so I assumed this kind of animal is bi-aquatic, if that’s even a word. (I’m not making light of this woman’s experience, I already knew from the headline she was rescued!)

Wendy Petherick shouted to her husband Norm who told reporters he acted instinctively.

Gentlemen, there is a lesson here for us. We are designed by our Maker to protect our wives. We were wired to put Ephesians 5:28 in action. What seems natural – passivity – is not. Passivity is a choice. This should influence how we relate to our wives. Our ‘instinct’ to lay down on lives is another reflection of the God who created us and laid down his life for us. It’s another way we image Him. Way to go, Norm!

“I acted quickly, just jumped on top of it, and looked for the eyes. I found them, and poked its eyes, and that’s when it released her, I think.”

We studied sharks in 3rd grade and were told if we were ever bitten by a shark, we should punch it in the nose. (I’m not sure why they were teaching 3rd graders in Nevada how to survive shark attacks.) I immediately wondered if they teach 3rd graders in Australia’s Northern Territory about poking salties in the eyes.

Police have said the heroism of her husband almost certainly saved her.

“Almost certainly?” Why are they holding back? What do the police have against Norm that they aren’t given him his props? The saltie had Wendy in its mouth! I think this local law enforcer needs to go out on a limb and say, “Yep, he certainly saved her.”

Guys, when your wife calls your name, may you instinctively jump into hero-rescue mode. Cultivate it now so you can use it next time your wife encounters a saltie.


Anonymous said...

very funny, brian.

Ali said...

This made me laugh! I lived in North Queensland, Australia, for three years, working as a zoologist, and yes the horrid Estuarine crocodiles (I think that is their more "proper" title, because, yes, as you suggest, they can cross between fresh and salt water) do exist. Even as a zoologist I think they're horrid - they can get you on land, in rivers and in the ocean (they do look a bit silly in the ocean, but nevertheless they live there). Norm did a jolly good job saving his wife from one!