Monday, July 21, 2008

What Our Brains Cannot Contain

Do you ever wonder why God doesn’t let you in a little bit more on what He’s thinking as he works in the circumstances of your life? Wouldn’t faith be so much easier if we got a ‘head’s up’ when something was about to happen that we hadn’t planned for? Or if he’d make the Bible glow at the pages we need to pay attention to as trying to figure out what to do in a difficult situation. Trust would be so much easier that way. Or would it?

John Piper has some very helpful thoughts as to why we don’t get more than we do from God in the way of explanation in his blog post, “Why God Doesn’t Fully Explain the Pain (7/14/08).

God cannot make plain all he is doing, because there are millions and millions and millions and millions of effects of every event in your life, the good and the bad. God guides them all. They all have micro purposes and macro purposes. He cannot tell you all of them because your brain can’t hold all of them.

Trust does not demand more than God has told us. And he has given us immeasurably precious promises that he is in control of all things and only does well to his children. And he has given us a very thick book where we can read story after story after story about how he rules for the good of his people.

Let’s trust him and not ask for what our brains cannot contain

If you want to read the blog post in its entirety, go here.

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