Thursday, August 7, 2008

Getting to Know Jared

Editors Note: This week on the Family Life Blog, we are getting a closer look at the Mellingers. Jared and Meghan have joined together to provide us with little windows into their marriage, their family, and their own hearts. Check back each day for the next installment.

One night, just shortly after Jared and I were married, I typed up this list of “Ten Things I love about my Husband.” I can still remember how his face lit up when he read it. Hopefully sharing this will help you get to know Jared a little bit better.

When I wrote this, I was just putting down some of the first things that came to my mind about Jared. But now, as I review the list, I can see that it paints a wonderful picture of biblical masculinity…displaying qualities like cherishing your wife, living with your wife in an understanding way, pursuing humility, studying God’s word, working with diligence.

How grateful I am to have married a man whose life so strongly testifies to the transforming work of the Spirit. There is simply no one I admire or respect more.

Ten Things I Love About My Husband
  1. Your quickness to laugh. I think that’s why I have so much fun with you…there’s no one I laugh with more.
  2. Your gentleness in conversation. You are careful and self-controlled with your words, especially when I am not. You always speak with a gentle tone, even when I’m being difficult.
  3. Your love of God’s Word and His people. You invest much of your time in reading and in people. This I admire, and it inspires me to do the same. Thanks for being an example.
  4. Your desire to grow and change. How thankful I am that I do not have a husband who is stubborn and stuck in his ways. Thanks for your humility that is seen in your desire to change.
  5. Your tender care for me, seen in your desire to help me identify and put to death sin in my own life.
  6. Your diligence in working hard. Thanks for working hard at your job and never being late or calling in sick…it’s a small thing, but it reassures me and it makes me proud. (At the time he was working night shift at a warehouse.)
  7. Your love for your family especially your parents. I admire the way you honor them and invest time with them.
  8. Your sharp, creative mind, which is manifested in so many things – especially in your writing and your preaching. You are such a clear thinker and it’s a blessing to me.
  9. Your desire to honor me above yourself and make me happy. Thanks for seeking your joy in your wifey…this is also an example for me.
  10. Your passionate pursuit of me…you regularly romance me and make me feel prized and cherished by you. You are a gift I don’t deserve!

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