Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Marriage: God’s Smallest GO Team

Meet Sean and Heather. Sean’s an electrician and Heather a part time clerk at the local bank. The very first day we ever met them, they began the conversation by saying, “I think we need to be born again. Can you tell us how to do that?” And so began our relationship. Now, that is low hanging fruit.

Let me admit right off the bat that most evangelistic opportunities are neither as obvious nor as easy as that one was for us. But evangelistic opportunities as a couple are not rare. If we are actively involved in “pursuing” and “proclaiming,” it should come as no surprise that “pursuing” happens in the context of relationship. And, for most of us, life is lived in the context of our marriage relationship.

With the Proclaim material still resonating in our heads and hearts, have you considered that the most effective and accessible Gospel Outreach (GO) Team that exists may be your own marriage? What if you used your marriage to reach the lost? Radical? Not really.

Here’s how it often works in the Flood house. Either Gina or I meet or run into a neighbor. Maybe it’s our next door neighbor or maybe it’s just someone along our walking path or bike ride. If there is any connection made at all, we will invite the person to our home for coffee, dessert, or a cookout. And, BANG, there goes the GO Team poised and ready for action.

It doesn’t have to be complicated and it certainly doesn’t have to be scary. A couple of burgers, a bag of chips, maybe some sodas and a pot of coffee. Any of us can do that. Then, you listen.

You listen for opportunities to share your faith. They come in all shapes and sizes. Perhaps the visiting couple shares a part of their lives where you can comfort or encourage. Perhaps they ask about a book you’re reading or a movie you’ve seen. Perhaps you ask an open-ended question that gets them talking, like: “So, how did the two of you meet?” (You will find out a ton about a couple as they answer this question.) These are all opportunities to let them into your world, for you to discover some about their world, and for you to begin to reach out with what matters most to you.

Not every conversation will end in sharing the gospel…nor should it. Your guests are not raw meat on the end of a stick at a tiger convention. You want to care for them and simply show Christian love and hospitality to them without strings. However, as members of God’s smallest GO Team, your antennae are always up looking for opportunities to share the good news with them.

Here’s the truth of it. As a pastor at CFC, I get to work with some incredible, godly men. But I can tell you this with no hesitation: Gina is my favorite ministry partner. Whether it is simply encouraging a couple of believers or evangelizing a couple of unbelievers, my favorite GO Team is my marriage.

Try it…I’m sure you’ll agree.

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