Monday, August 4, 2008

Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Marriage

Editors Note: This week on the Family Life Blog, we are getting a closer look at the Mellingers. Jared and Meghan have joined together to provide us with little windows into their marriage, their family, and their own hearts. Check back each day for the next installment.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones is considered by many to have been the greatest preacher and leader of the 20th century. Meghan and I love him. I mean really love him. We have both worked our way through his 2-volume, 1,000 page biography by Iain Murray, we occasionally read Lloyd-Jones’ sermons aloud to each other, and we even have a picture of him on our refrigerator!

He understood how to apply the gospel to all of life…including marriage. Here he is in his own words talking about Ephesians 5 and marriage:

"How many of us have realized that we are always to think of the married state in terms of the doctrine of the atonement? Is that our customary way of thinking of marriage?. . . Where do we find what the books have to say about marriage? Under which section? Under ethics. But it does not belong there. We must consider marriage in terms of the doctrine of the atonement." (Life in the Spirit, 148)

Our experience in our marriage has been the more we follow this instruction, the more aware we are of God’s grace and the more our love for marriage is intensified. We trust the same will be true with you.

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