Friday, September 12, 2008

A Mission for the Family, Too

The past three Sundays have been a rich time for our church. Through Jared, Jim, and Andy, we’ve received a feast of teaching and direction. Not only do we have a mission statement that captures who we are and what we do. We also have a diagram and verbiage to help us remember. We are about the business of the gospel, as always. However, in light of the new mission statement, we are poised afresh to serve Christ where He has planted us.

This is an opportunity for our church…but it’s also an opportunity for our families. Even young children can understand that there are reasons for the things we do. And why to they exist? …to treasure, proclaim and grow in Christ.

We have an opportunity to teach our children much about our church through the lessons and mission statement we’ve received. Consider taking a couple of days, or even a couple of family nights, going over our new mission statement. Perhaps even make the language of Treasure, Proclaim and Grow part of your discipleship language.

And while you’re going over our new mission statement, there’s another opportunity at our disposal. Consider taking the time to review with your children the excitement of our upcoming transition. What a wonderful opportunity to share the work of Christ in our church with our children.

Our church is in the midst of some very exciting times. Be sure to remember to include your children in the process. And, as a family, praise God for His goodness to us. He has not treated us according to what our sins deserve. He has treated us according to His grace and lovingkindness. These are the lessons that we yearn to teach our children. Here’s our chance.

1 comment:

Bill Bollenbach said...

There is no doubt the new mission statements and all of the teaching surrounding it has been very impactful in my life!

We are relatively new to CovFel and are excited about all that is going on. Following last night's family Life evening we are renewed afresh to improve and RE-regulate our family worship times. the Mission statement can be another way to help focus thoughts and discussion!