Thursday, September 11, 2008

No Time to Read? No Time to Grow

This month we’re beginning our new Grow class, which for the first time will be run in the Community Groups. If you’re somebody who isn’t sure that you’re cut out for the reading, let me share a humble testimony from Jay Griggs, a Grow Graduate and new student of the grace of a well-read book.

Over the past few months I have had the opportunity to hear members of our Community Group saying over and over again "Why should I read this book, I won't remember it anyway.” Each time I heard it I tried to encourage the person saying it. Why, because this statement reminds me of who I was when I first came into CFC. Five years ago I could honestly say I had only ever read a few books, one of which was a true story about a pool hustler and a reporter traveling across the country to make a living. The others were instruction books on playing pool (Real easy reading with lots of pictures. That's my kind of book!). After a few months I was invited to join a Grow Group. We were assigned one book a month for 10 months. I jumped at the opportunity only to find myself sulking in self pity because, well, I wasn't smart enough for this group, I couldn't understand what the authors were saying, and I couldn't remember it even if I could understand it.

However I had given my word and commitment to this group so I didn't feel dropping out was an option. My wife Tish did a wonderful job encouraging me to stick with it as well. This one book by D.A. Carson, The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God got me so hot under the collar it wasn't funny. To me Carson was a show off writer because he used really big words that no one ever used. There was one page in this book where, in order for me to even finish the page, I had to write 37 definitions in the margins. (I learned a lot of new words that month.) Once deciphered, the book was not as daunting as I had thought, but it took diligence and encouragement from Tish to get through it. What I learned from this one book was that God loved me and I needed Him but he didn't need me. That was the beginning of knowledge for me. I had finally realized through this book what it meant to fear the Lord.

Before this book study group, as far back as I can remember, I was the biggest fool around. I hated learning at all costs and I didn't even know what wisdom was. After Carson's book God instilled in me a passion for His word and a desire to continue learning about Him. Today I couldn't tell you how many books I've read, but I can tell you that I remember more and more of each book I read, I'm able to understand a lot more of what I read, and the Lord has taught me that I am smarter than the average bear. Yep I'm even reading another one of Carson's books.

If you would like to experience Grow, just let your community group leaders know and they will help you make it happen.

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